Carbon-neutrality is becoming a hot word in business and society, but how can companies become carbon neutral, where should they start, and what carbon-neutral means to them?
Learn the lesson and experience from Eric Mieras, managing director of PRe sustainability, a leading sustainability consulting company based in the Netherlands, and the developer of SimaPro, the world's most widely used LCA tool. Eric shared his valuable insights into this matter and also answered practical questions regarding carbon neutral.
click the record of the webinar to watch for free (in English), using password: z0ybg#!p
in the webinar, Professor Zhu from Shandong University also shared his research to utilize fossil fuel in a more carbon-efficient way, please also use the link above to watch his presentation for free (in the second part of the webinar), his presentation is in Chinese.
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Figure: comparing life cycle CO2 emission from three kinds of electricity generated by solar, wind, and fossil fuel energy respectively, the results are based on three independent LCA / EPD studies conducted by Ecovane since 2018-2020. The study reveals a promising future for carbon dioxide reduction by switching to renewable energy.
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