(English version
follows after the Chinese, titled: Thoughts on the Invitation List
of EPD China Board Members)
(图1: 一米一远程“出席”的全球LCA合作伙伴大会,2022年9月于巴塞罗那)
(图2: 哲学家马克斯韦伯)
Thoughts on the Invitation List of EPD China
Board Members
EPD China plans to hold its first board
meeting at the end of the year. The secretariat asked me to submit a candidate list
of board members and invite. So, I opened my address book and prepared to start
contacting leaders of enterprises, industries, and social organizations to
jointly promote sustainable products. and economic development.
But wait, what kind of board members does EPD
China need? In addition to meeting the requirements for setting up the board of
non-profit institutions, what significance does the establishment of the board
have for the mission and development of the institution? In addition to meeting
several times a year, is there anything else the board can do to guide and
support the development of EPD China's strategy?
After thinking about it off and on for a few
days, I didn’t get a clear answer. Recognizing is as a bottleneck of cognition,
I started to read some books on sociology. Luckily, after a lot of tossing, I
found a name——Marx Weber, a modern philosopher, who put
forward the concept of "rationality" of modern people, that is, you
and me. He said that in entering modern society, human beings need to balance
the two parts of instrumental rationality and value rationality. As the name
suggests, we need to use Value rationality to determine common development
goals, and then use instrumental rationality to achieve this goal. But these
two rationales both bring about contradictions in modern society: the divergent
opinions of modern people and the non-uniqueness and uncertainty of conclusions
(that is, there is no absolute right or wrong) caused by the pluralism of
values, and the materialization of people caused by the supremacy of
instrumental efficiency and instrumentalization, people have become parts of
efficient machines and the numbers of KPI assessments on the assembly line,
rather than living individuals - he once said: "Experts have no
soul", which means that one's body in the iron cage where social
efficiency is paramount , even if you have a wealth of knowledge and become an
"expert", you are only a highly sophisticated component. As the
"primate of all things", human being and other life’s needs are ignored
and overwhelmed.
Weber's thinking about rationality in modern
society gradually formed a guideline when I was considering the list of board
members - both the judgment of value rationality and the science of
instrumental rationality must be considered.
In other words, the members of the board
should be a combination of value rationality and instrumental rationality. This
combination can to the greatest extent ensure that multiple values are not
absent in the process of EPD China's strategic decision-making (and become
vulnerable groups and are ignored), and can ensure that the diversified environmental,
social and economic values are implemented and executed in an efficient and
orderly manner. In modern society, it is rare to find people with both multiple
value rationality and all instrumental rationality. In order not to fall into
the trap of endless debate over multiple values, and the 'instrumentalization
of personality' of efficiency-only theory, we need to establish a A gentleman's
dojo of "harmony but different" - from this point of view, what
Confucius said, "People with different direction (Dao) don’t walk together"
is problematic. At least in modern society, we have to make a new
interpretation of the word 'Dao' : People has different value and professional
fields. It is necessary to discuss and solve problems together with people with
different background. The practice of rejecting multiple values for fear of
trouble was unquestioned thousands of years ago, and now insisting on monism is
a bit of a cleanliness of values - at least putting multiple values or other knowledge
or tools on the opposite side, is not desirable.
Maybe I have gone too far, let’s come back to the topic of selecting board of directors. With such a
guideline, the selection criteria for EPD China’s board
members have gradually become clear in my mind:
In terms of value rationality, it is necessary to combine EPD China’s value and mission, that is, to promote green products and economy. In
terms of instrumental rationality, board members would facilitate the development
and application of standards, systems, knowledge and tools, to achieve the
above-mentioned sustainability value of EPD China and beyond.
So, who are
we going to invite? I can’t say for the time being. Let’s wait until the first EPD
China Board Member Meeting in November 2022. Your recommendations of splendid candidates
are also welcome (email: secretary@epdchina.cn ) , thank you for your support.
Bill Kung
EPD China
Secretariat & Founding team
September 6, 2022
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